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Online Nutrition Planning
With our nutrition planning tool, you’ll be able to match your meals with you dietary goals. With 1000’s of meal ideas to choose from, you’ll probably find you’re favorites. And even if you don’t, you can add your own recipes and see how well they help you reach your goals.
Online Exercise Planning
Well-planned, carefully-designed exercise plans are the key to help you burn those extra calories and lose those unwanted fat deposits. Our exercise planning tool allows you to chose your preferred training approach (bodyweight, machines, etc.) as well as favorite cardio activity (running, tennis, rowing, etc.). You’ll want to use them both for the best results.
Social Support
An important component to successful personal growth is community support and accountability. This support is best when the community is like-minded. As a beta tester you’ll be among the first to join our private Facebook group where you can post questions, share ideas and be encouraged.
Group Coaching
Learning is foundational to making the changes you want to make. One way we do this is through group coaching and tele-classes. We cover topics which facilitate your personal growth. These 60-90 minute sessions are also recorded so you can review the information at your convenience.
Let's Have Fun, Get Fit and Live Well together.
You’ve heard, you’ve read and now you will want to consider this: What do you want to do? Are you ready to join Coach BobbyG?